清晨六時許,微風,我如常拖著小兒子到路口等幼稚園校巴。他是我和127任前女友的私生子,小傢伙穿著帥氣的棗紅色小馬甲,白色的牛津紡裇衫領上打著黑色的小bow tie,走在盛放的杜鵑和白色雞蛋花夾道的小徑上。
「Papa, if currency exchange really affects market?」他忽然抬頭問我,一雙烏黑的眼睛。我忽然好感動,他今年才兩歲零十個月,已經開始在思考問題了。反觀我自己兩歲時,簡直是一砣屎,一整天想著偷裝幼稚園miss 的裙底。
「why think so?」我反問,我不想直接告訴他答案,答案只有在自我深刻的推敲才是王道。
附註:恒指受制於24472 ,並不是什麼大的秘密,只是小兒子數天前無聊,利用玩具反斗城的兒童繪圖板,隨意畫下江恩阻力網時的結論。就上星期五最高位所見,只是差三點而已。我覺得他還有進步的空間。
I read with delight your funny articles in the blog. Although I am not sure if the things you wrote were true, I really aspire for such an adventurous life.
回覆刪除One of my interest to to test different indicators using the charting software like eSignal... I normally use simple MA and optimize . You mentioned using "weight average" and sine wave... Do you find EMA actually work better?
btw I am a boy/young man and I know chinese, just too cumbersome to type ;D